CHILDREN: Children (4K-6th grade) are a sweet blessing from our Lord and an important and vital part of the Faith family. Having been given the honor of rearing our children in the nurture and admonition of God, we assist our parents in providing our children with a safe, encouraging, challenging, and fun atmosphere to learn more about Jesus. We do this primarily through our children’s ministry activities on Wednesday nights which includes a time of singing, learning, and structured play.
YOutH: The teenage years (7th-12th grade) as a critical time for laying a firm foundation with knowledge of and love for Christ. We strive to form, challenge, encourage and love our middle and high school students with a venue of care, safety, and curiosity. You can connect your teen with the youth ministry by attending our Wednesday Large Group (6:30 p.m.).
WOMEN OF FAITH: Our Women of Faith Ministry Team’s goal is to encourage women in fellowship and growth as they are involved in and minister within the body. This encouragement comes through a variety of means such as fellowship gatherings, community groups, conferences, care coordinating, and much more.
SENIOR ADULTS: Our Senior Adults ministry seeks to love our Senior Adults for the wonderful blessing that they have been and continue to be. Through the course of the year we have a Valentine’s Banquet, Christmas Celebration, and Summer Service Workdays in an effort to assist our dear ones with yard work, housing upkeep, and other tasks that sometimes become more difficult the more seasoned we become.
SPECIAL NEEDS: Our church facilities are ADA accessible with a wheelchair ramp located on the East entrance of our sanctuary. Our Special Connections team seeks to assist and love families with children who have special needs. Our “Buddy system”, equipped with numerous trained and specialized individuals, is set up to care for your child and or integrate them into the life of our church as you as a family worship and fellowship with us. If you have further questions regarding our special needs ministry please feel free to contact Lissa Boerner at
CARE: Within the life of Faith Presbyterian Church we hope to care for individuals and families where they are. Our Deacons are eager to serve in numerous capacities such as but not limited to: yard work, rides to and from church services or activities, financial counseling, financial assistance, etc… Our Elders are eager and willing to shepherd you through prayer, encouragement, counseling, and just being available to listen. If you are in need, please contact our church office (601) 833-0081 or