We believe all Christians are missionaries, sent by their Lord into His world to bring about worship, justice, mercy, and truth. We strive to serve our neighbors in Brookhaven by inviting them into our lives, our homes, our learning, and our struggles. And as God provides, we also share in God's work -- by word and deed -- with other servants in other places.
But to help us focus our efforts, Faith Presbyterian Church has prioritized these four fields on which to focus our support, encouragement, and prayers:
1. MEMBERS OF FAITH. We support our members to pursue gospel ministry locally and globally.
2. CHURCH PLANTING. We support the efforts of planting new churches in areas where gospel-centered churches do not exist.
3. STUDENT MINISTRY. We support missionaries and ministers who promote the gospel in academic settings, primarily through our denomination’s student ministry Reformed University Ministries.
4. MERCY MINISTRY. We support ministries especially focused on helping the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the outcast.
Faith Presbyterian Church generously supports gospel ministry all over the world with funds raised in addition to normal operational support. We call this ‘Faith Promise.’ Every year, we host a variety of missionaries and their families to meet them, learn from them, encourage them, and send them.
Faith Presbyterian Church believes its facilities, talents, and opportunities exist to share in helping our city by building bridges, pursuing friendships, and helping where needs arise.
We partner with New Hope M.B. Church to provide for their community food pantry and offer our facilities in times of natural disaster.